Resources for Parents & Caregivers
General Resources
Resources to Support Safer Teen Driving
Free, web-based, parent-guided plans
Mobile Applications to Monitor Driving and/or Restrict Cell Phone Use
Apps are compatible with Android and iOS and do not disable Bluetooth calls or GPS navigation
Applications Available to Anyone
Safety in a Box
Safety resources on various topics to download or borrow from Safe Kids Chicago.
Need to do a safety program for kids? We've got resources to borrow or download on general safety, poison prevention, car & child passenger safety, drowning prevention, fire & burn safety, home & sleep safety, and pedestrian & bicycle safety.
Want us to email you the entire list of resources?
Drop your email and we'll send the PDF right to your inbox!
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Cars/Child Passenger Safety
Cars/Child Passenger Safety
Downloadable activity sheets
(for teaching about seat belts, car seats and booster seats)
Sign Hunt Game
Poison Prevention
Illinois Poison Center Printables
Spike’s Poison Prevention Adventures
Illinois Poison Center’s online Poison Prevention Education Course
Fire and Burn Safety
Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety
Cars/Child Passenger Safety
Home and Sleep Safety
Home Safety Activity Book
Safety News
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